To Install the VMware Horizon Client for Mac:

  • Go to vDesktops.
  • Click Install VMware Horizon Client. This will take you to the Download VMware Horizon Clients site.

  • Click the Go to Downloads link.

  • Click Download.

  • Once downloaded, the downloaded file should be in your Downloads folder. Run the VMware-Horizon-Client file.
  • When you run the VMware-Horizon-Client file, depending on your MacOS version it may ask you to drag VMware Horizon Client to the Application folder. Click and drag it to the Application folder as shown.


  • When you do this it installs to your MacBook or iMac computer.  You will then click on the app launcher on your taskbar and locate VMware Horizon Client.  Go ahead and click on it to open it.


  • You will see a new server button in the Client box.  Click on that and add the following server address: and click connect.


  • You will be asked to put in your ATU username and password. After doing so click on Login.


  • When you click login you will see a list of apps that is offered to ATU students.  Depending on your permission settings for the university you may see more options than most students.


  • If you run into issues, you can contact Campus Support Center at 479-968-0646.