When you create an assignment, a Grade Center column is created automatically.  There are multiple ways to grade an assignment.  

From the Gradebook you can click on the Gradeable items tab:

1.  Scroll through this list of items and there will be indicators of things needing grading:

2.  Click the name of the item and you will see the list of students.  It will indicate an attempt for the student that needs grading:

** NOTE ** If you put a grade in on this screen it will count as an override, and it will still show an attempt to be graded.  You must go to the next step to grade the actual attempt and it not be counted as an override.

3. Click the name of the student to view the submission and give it a grade.  Enter a grade in the grade pill in the upper right corner:

4. After grading the assignment you will need to Post the grade in order for the student to see it (unless you chose the option to auto post the grade when you created the assignment):