Ensure Edit Mode
at the top right is ON, and access the Content Area where the test will be added.
On the action bar, mouse over the Assessments tab and select Test.
On the Create Test page, select a test from the Add Test box and Click Submit.
After an existing test is added to a Content Area, the Test Options Options page appears.
- If desired, edit the Test Name.
- If desired, edit the Test Description and whether or not it opens in a new window.
- Under Test Availability, select the Yes radio node for Make the Link Available as well as whether or not you wish to make an announcement letting students know the test is available.
- Select Self-assessments Options. Be aware that these are very important in how the test is administered.
- Select how long you wish for the test to be available to students and if it should or should not have a password to access.
Click Add User of Group if you want to make Test Availability Exceptions for certain students in the course.
- Select the due date.
- Select options regarding grading.
- Select the various forms of feedback you wish to return to your students.
- Select how you wish the students to view the test.
- Click Submit.
If the name or description of the test is changed, the changes only appear in the Content Area. They will not change in the Tests tool or in the Grade Center column.