On April 8, 2014, Microsoft will no longer offer security patches for the Windows XP operating system. This means that any computer running Windows XP is vulnerable and will present a threat to any network it is connected to. As a result The University will no longer be supporting Windows XP after the completion of the Spring Semester. The Office of Information Systems has already begun the process of migrating all University owned computers to Windows 7.  The continued use of the windows XP’s operating system will create a major risk to you and the university by potentially exposing confidential information. This could also result in an officially recognized control failure by an internal or external audit body, leading to suspension of certifications, and/or public notification of the organization’s inability to maintain its systems and customer information.  The office of information systems will be working with all departments to make this transition as easy as possible. You may obtain approval from the Office of Information Systems to continue to use XP, but the computer will not be allowed on the ATU network after the spring semester.

Note of Caution: The Office Information Systems wants to convey that this matter is not a matter of "if your computer is vulnerable to a compromise," but instead it is a matter of "when and how the compromise will take place." You should be aware that that no anti-virus application or anti-malware application or even firewall application can protect the computer against a compromise over time. The surest protection is to upgrade or replace the system.