There are a number of Building Block Packages and Add-on's that are used in conjunction with and integrated into the Blackboard Learn Course Management System. Aside from the information below, your instructor may also use software that is not fully integrated into Blackboard Learn. Please review your course syllabi.

Information on all these programs can also be found in the Blackboard Resources for Students Course. You will find this course on your course page after logging into Blackboard Learn.

Turn-It-In (Plagiarism Prevention Software)

To access the Turnitin Help Center website, please click here.

Respondus Lockdown Browser

Beginning with the fall semester of 2010, some instructors began using the Respondus Lockdown Browser when giving online exams. You must have this software installed on your computer to take an exam that uses it. To download the software, please click here.

Tegrity Lecture Capture System

Beginning with the Spring 2011 semester, many of the Web Only Courses are using Tegrity as the video lecture component. It uses Microsoft Silverlight and testing should be done with your system. To test your computer click here; it will start the viewing of a Tegrity video. To learn more about Tegrity, please visit

If you have additional questions, please contact the Campus Support Center at (479) 968-0646 or 1-866-400-8022. or [email protected]