Edit, Hide, and Select Options for Columns

You can edit most Grade Center columns and change a column's name, settings, what is included in a calculated column's calculation, and whether students can see the column results in My Grades by hiding the column from users. You can also use the options in a column's contextual menu to perform a variety of actions, such as viewing information about the column, sorting the contents, or downloading results.

You cannot edit or delete the default user columns:

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Username
  • Student ID
  • Last Access
  • Availability

You can hide all but the first user column in the grid. You can rearrange the user columns on the Column Organization page, but at least one user column must show.

You can use the options in a column's contextual menu to hide a column from your view in the grid (Hide Column) or from students' My Grades pages (Show/Hide to Users). When you hide a column from your students, you will still see it in the grid.

Each column's contextual menu displays options that are available and specific for that column. For example, a test column's contextual menu includes options for Column Statistics and Grade Questions. For a default user column, such as First Name, you only have the options of hiding the column and sorting the items. If an option does not appear in the contextual menu, you cannot perform the action on that column.

Hide a column from users > Change whether students can see the column results in My Grades

Please follow the steps below to hide column results from students in My Grades:

  • Click Edit Column Information in the column's contextual menu.
  • On the Edit Column page, click No for Show this Column to Students. You can edit the column again at any time to show the results to your students. Alternatively, you can click Show/Hide to Users in a column's contextual menu. When you want to show the column to students, click Show/Hide to Users again. In the Grade Center grid, the Column Not Visible to Users icon appears in the column header for any column hidden from students. You will still be able to view the column in the grid.