
Your OneTech account (or ATU user account) is the key by which you will access all of your ATU online assets; OneTech and Blackboard are two examples.  You will find your OneTech account is critical for reaching your goals at Arkansas Tech University.  Because of that, one of the first things you'll do after completing Admissions is to activate your user account.

Arkansas Tech University Password Policy:

Please follow the Arkansas Tech University password policy below to create your password:

  • All passwords must be at least 12 characters long.
  • All passwords must contain at least three of the four following requirements:
    • 1 lowercase letter.
    • 1 uppercase letter.
    • 1 digit.
    • 1 special character.
  • New passwords cannot match any of your previous SIX passwords.
  • Users can only change their password once in a 24 hour period.
  • Users can use no more than two consecutive characters found in their username and/or full name. Example: a user with a name of John Doe (jdoe10) cannot use a password that contains any of the following combination of letters: 'joh', 'ohn', 'doe', 'jdo', 'oe1', 'e10'.
  • If you log in with an incorrect password three times within a minute, your account will be locked.
  • All passwords must be changed every 365 days.

Note: Due to password limitations in Banner, INB users cannot use the following special characters in their password: @ $ & ( ) , < > ` ; = # | % . spaces

Activating Your OneTech Account:

If you would like to activate your account for ATU sites (OneTech, Blackboard, etc), you can navigate to the Account Management System (AMS) website. Select the first link, "Activate Account".

In order to active a new account, the following information is required:

  • Username – This will be your OneTech ID (example jdoe1).
  • T-Number
  • Last Name
  • Birthdate – Must be in MM/DD/YYYY, MM/DD/YY format with or without leading zeros. Make sure to click the calendar day when this pops up. 
  • E-mail Address – Must match your Arkansas Tech University email address. (Example: [email protected])
  • Mailing Zip Code – Must be your mailing zip code we have on file for you.
  • Google Recaptcha - Check the box or enter the information when prompted. Make sure you check the "I'm not a robot" checkbox" before clicking on the Submit button as shown in the image right below.

Any typos in spelling or formatting will result in an unsuccessful match. It MUST match what is on file with ATU. Always double check your information before submitting the form.

Security Questions:

You will be asked to create new security questions. These are to provide additional security to your account. Choose questions that are easy to remember and have only one answer. For more information on the security questions see the 'Security Questions' section below.

The first time users successfully identify or authenticate using Activate Account, they will be presented with a security questions page to populate answers to a total of 5 different questions. A combination of these questions and answers will be used when the users return to the site to future authentication and access to the AMS.