Webex has some built-in tools to help you monitor who has participated in your meetings or events. This can be useful with tracking attendance in online classes or training sessions.

1. Log into your ATU Webex account by going to https://atu.webex.com and clicking Sign In. You will log in with your regular ATU account information.

2. Once you're logged in, you'll see some options in the tool bar on the left side of the window. Click on the "Insights" link.

3. On the Insights page, click the "View more" link in the top-right corner.

4. On the Webex Reports page, you'll several different report options. For the purposes of this article, we're looking at the attendance report. Click the "Attendance Report" link.

5. On the first Attendance Report page, you will need to select the timeframe for the meetings or events you want to track. Then click "Display Report."

6. Once you've entered your timeframe, you should see a list of all the meetings or events which meet those criteria. Click on a meeting/event to see more information about its attendees.

7. When you're viewing the information about a specific meeting/event, you can click the "Export" button at the top-right to save the information to a .csv file (commonly opened with Microsoft Excel).