Note: It's possible to schedule a Webex meeting from the Webex Meetings desktop application, but there are more options when scheduling on the website. As such, this article will be based solely on the website interface.

1. Sign into your ATU Webex account by going to and using your regular ATU login information.

2. On your Personal Room page, click the gray "Schedule" button. (If you need a meeting room immediately, click the green "Start a Meeting" button to instantly enter your Personal Room.)

3. On the Schedule a Meeting page, you'll see the basic options for scheduling your meeting, including setting a title (topic), setting a password, setting the date/time of the meeting, and adding attendees to invite.

  •     Regarding the password field, Webex does require a password to be set on every meeting. However, this password will almost never need to be used. At the end of the scheduling process, you'll be given the chance to send out invitations directly to attendees, as well as copy a meeting link for distribution. In both of those cases, attendees will not need to enter in the password. Setting one up here is mainly for security purposes, so that no one can accidentally stumble upon your meeting.

4. Click the first drop-down arrow in the "Date and time" section to view the scheduling options. Here you will set the date and time for your meeting, as well as how long you expect it to last. The meeting will not kick you out after this amount of time, it's just a measure to prevent you from double-booking a time slot.

5. If you have regularly occurring meetings, you can check the "Recurrence" checkbox to access additional scheduling settings.

6. In the Attendees section, you can enter the email addresses of those you wish to specifically invite to your meeting. Once you have added them, you have the option of making them an Alternate Host by clicking the appropriate icon. Alternate hosts have the ability to start meetings, in the event that the scheduler of the meeting won't be attending.

7. Once you have everything set up correctly, you can click the blue "Start" button to finalize the scheduled meeting. (There are some advanced options that you can access, but they are rarely used.)

8. When the time comes to start your meeting, you can do so by clicking the "Meeting" link on the left side of the screen, then clicking Start next to the meeting in the list.