This error message can appear when attempting to take a LockDownBrowser (LDB) exam followed by the closing of the program. This can be caused by two things: 

Cause #1 - The LDB password has been cleared from the test options

Respondus Lockdown browser sets an automatically generated password when assigned to an exam. Students will not have to enter a password (unless there is one set inside the Respondus LockDown Browser dashboard). 


How to Fix - 

  1. In your course expand Course Tools under Course Management. 
  2. Select Respondus Lockdown Broswer. This will take to you the Respondus Lockdown Browser Dashboard.
  3. Look for your test. Click the Fix it button to the left.


Cause #2 - This test is affected by a bug in LDB

This problem looks the same as the one we saw in Cause #1 but the passwords have not been cleared. This appears to be caused by a bug that prevents the auto-generated password from being accepted by the LockDownBrowser. 

How to Fix - 

Respondus is actively working to resolve this bug. In the meantime, a work-around allows students to continue with their exams. We will need to enable a password in the Lockdown Browser Dashboard on any affected exams.

  1. In your course expand Course Tools under Course Management. 
  2. Select Respondus Lockdown Broswer. This will take to you the Respondus Lockdown Browser Dashboard.
  3. Click the downward arrow to the left of the title of the exam to expand the options
  4. Click Settings
  5. Under Password Settings add a password. The password can be anything except blank. (Examples: "0, hist2020, MIDTERM," etc)
  6. Click Save + Close
  7. Communicate the password to your students (And/Or put it in the description of your test)

Students should now be able to take their test using Respondus LDB.