Within the Gradebook of your Ultra course shell there is a Total column that by default is configured to calculate on the individual pieces of Coursework.  However, this means it will appear broken as you add more of your Gradable Items and their points do not automatically get reflected in this column.  Recently, it was determined that it would be better to create this column in a working configuration so it doesn’t appear to be broken right from the start.  So going forward, with any new course shell creations, the Total column (now called Total Points) is configured to use all of the Categories of assignments to calculate on instead of individual assignments.  

To change this as you see fit, enter the Gradebook and make sure you are in the Grades view, then click on the icon for the Total column and choose the edit option.

Within the column’s edit page, click on this button to edit the calculation

Now, either check or uncheck, either the individual Coursework you have added or the Categories you are using.   This will make it so that all your assignments are calculated into the Total points.

Lastly, if you don’t want a Total (Points) column at all, at the same place you clicked to edit it, you can simply delete it if you like.

Please do not delete the Overall Grade column. Similar to the Total Points column, you can configure it differently than how it is set by default but please don’t delete it.  Starting with the Winter Intersession term, this column is going to be used in a new integration with Banner that we are testing for passing mid-term and final grades back to Banner from the Blackboard Gradebook.  More on that coming later.


More information on the Ultra Gradebook can be found at https://help.blackboard.com/Learn/Instructor/Ultra/Grade/Navigate_Grading