1. Log in to Blackboard at https://bblearn.atu.edu

2. Click into your course.

3. Click View course & Institution tools:

4. Click on Submit Grades to Banner:

5. Now the grade submission screen opens:

6.  There are tabs at the top for midterm grades, final grades, and Last attended date.  Click on whichever tab you you want to enter:

7.  This grading screen is populated based on the Overall Grade column in the grade center.  Whatever is shown as the overall grade will be shown as the current grade and the Midterm grade.


8. Even though this is auto populated, faculty are still in control.  For example, the last student shows a C, but you want to round up and give it a B.  You can edit the grade in the Midterm Grade column to a B before submitting:

9.  After everything is entered, just click submit at the bottom: