1.  Log in to https://bblearn.atu.edu and click into your course.

2.  Click open the Course Information Module:

3. Click the ellipse to the far right of Syllabus and then click edit:

4.  You will notice a smallish square where the syllabus is displayed.  I apologize, but this is the way it imports, and I am unable to change the size prior to importing.

5. Click "Edit content" in the upper right corner:

6. Now click the little pencil button to edit:

7. Now just click on the square where the syllabus resides.  Notice it now is outlined in blue.

8.  Use the expansion corner to resize the box.  Click and hold on one of the corners and you can drag your mouse to make this box bigger.

9. Finally just click Save to save the changes.

Here is a video to demonstrate the above steps: