The transfer functionality on the VoIP system has two different procedural means of operating.  Both of these ultimately do the same thing, which is to transfer a caller to another person, but the method of interaction between the person making the transfer and the person being transferred to is the difference.

Warm Transfer:

A Warm Transfer is when you are attempting to transfer a caller but you want to give the person you're attempting to transfer to an opportunity to accept/refuse the transfer and perhaps provide them further information about the call.  A good example of this type of transfer would be when you are attempting to transfer a caller to another individual.

  1. Press the transfer  button.
  2. Dial the phone number to which you want to transfer.
  3. Wait for the receiving party to answer.
  4. Once the receiving party answers, you can provide information about the call and ask if they are available to accept the transfer.
  5. If they are available, press the transfer button again to complete the transfer.  Otherwise, you can cancel the transfer.

Blind Transfer:

A Blind Transfer is when you start the transfer process but don't wait for an answer from the number you're transferring to before completing the transfer process. A good example of this type of transfer would be when you are attempting to transfer a caller to another department by transferring to the department's main number instead of to an individual.

  1. Press the transfer   button.
  2. Dial the phone number to which you want to transfer
  3. Once you hear ringing, press the transfer button again.