To turn off Internet Explorer on Windows 10:
  • Launch Control Panel. Navigate to Programs > Programs & Features. In the left navigation click or tap the Turn Windows features on or off link. If prompted for User Account Control, input your admin password to proceed. Scroll down the alphabetical list of features to Internet Explorer 11.
  • Uncheck its check box to turn Internet Explorer 11 off and click or tap OK.
  • An information dialog displays to inform you of the potential affects of turning off Internet Explorer. If you want to continue, click or tap Yes, and then click or tap OK.
  • Windows will display progress dialogs, such as Searching for required files, and Applying changes, as the associated Internet Explorer files are moved.
  • Once the process has been completed, Windows will prompt you to restart the computer. Internet Explorer will not be turned off until the computer is restarted. Click or tap the Restart now button to restart the computer right away, or the Don't restart button if you plan on restarting the computer later.
