** NOTE ** If you already created a signature and need to sign a document, follow this link -- https://support.atu.edu/a/solutions/articles/7000045629

1.  Open up Adobe Acrobat Pro.

2. Click Edit and then select Preferences:

3. Click on Signatures in the Categories box on the left:

4. Click the "More" button under the Identities and Trusted Certificates section:

5. Click "Add ID" at the top of this window:

6. Select “A new digital ID I want to create now” and click Next:

7. Select “New PKCS#12 digital ID file” and click Next:

8. Complete the following fields: Name, Organizational Unit, Organizational Name and Email Address. Click Next:

9. Leave the file name as the default.  Create a strong password and click Finish:

10. The box below should appear with the information you entered. You can exit out of this dialog box:

Your digital signature is created.  If you need help applying your signature to a document then see this article -- https://support.atu.edu/a/solutions/articles/7000045629